DIY, antifascist, antirascist, antihomo/transphobik, antiseksist with only vegan food HC/Punk festival
Mittwoch, 12. März 2025
Next Bands
BAD BREEDING - noisy anarcho hardcore punk from Stevenage!
Chujoza - local youth crust kids
HEZ - raw echo-drenched hardcore outta Panama!
Plasma - 80's vibe Finnish hardcore
Pyrex - wholly well-crafted, frenetic, dialed-in, oven-safe, microwavable noise punk from Brooklyn, New York!
Ruidosa Inmundicia - Raging furious and fast hardcore punk!
Trampa - RAW punk from Bogota!
User - New wild and raw hardcore band from Warsaw!
Posts (Atom)
The PRE-SALE for the weekendticket!!! 37eur/150pln/900czk write a mail for details: Przedsprzedaz biletow weekend...
Alambrada - raw hardcore, Colombia Aldi Ost - egg punk, Berlin https://aldiost.ban...
Izero Hardcore Fest 2024 A DIY, antifascist, antirascist, antihomophobic, antitransphobic, antisexist HC/Punk festival in the Izery Mounta...