Mittwoch, 12. März 2025



The PRE-SALE for the weekendticket!!!
write a mail for details:
Przedsprzedaz biletow weekendowych!!!
150pln napisz maila po wiecej informacji:

Next Bands


BAD BREEDING - noisy anarcho hardcore punk from Stevenage!
Berosszulás - mix of ferocious hardcore and maddening death punk from Budapest!
Catastrophe - furious anarcho d-beat from London!
Chujoza - local youth crust kids
Deshuesadero - Mexican crust as fuck!
Fuckin' Lovers - fuckin hardcore noise punks from Philadelphia!
HEZ - raw echo-drenched hardcore outta Panama!
Pisuar - totally raw noise chaos punk from Warsaw!
Plasma - 80's vibe Finnish hardcore
Poison Ruin - the dark knight of punk!
Pyrex - wholly well-crafted, frenetic, dialed-in, oven-safe, microwavable noise punk from Brooklyn, New York!
Ruidosa Inmundicia - Raging furious and fast hardcore punk!
Traidora - raw punk from London!
Trampa - RAW punk from Bogota!
Traumatizer - Raw and trash punk with no respite moments!
User - New wild and raw hardcore band from Warsaw!


  The PRE-SALE for the weekendticket!!! 37eur/150pln/900czk write a mail for details:   Przedsprzedaz biletow weekend...