Sonntag, 23. April 2023

Izero Hardcore Fest 2023


A DIY, antifascist, antirascist, antihomo/transphobic, antisexist HC/Punk festival in the Izery Mountains
Free camping, vegan bar, afterparty, hc/punk distributions...
PRESALE!!! for weekend-tickets (16.-17.06.23)
30€ / 130pln / 700czk
write an mail for details

Ansiax - hc/punk, France
Azfixxia - raw punk/hc, Colombia
Code 13 - hardcore, USA
Eastern Syndrome - post punk, Berlin
Ecowar - peace punk, Australia
Ex-Dom - raw hardcore d-beat, Germany
Glaas - anarcho post punk, Berlin
Glitch - punk, Leipzig/Berlin
Gurs - post-punk, Bilbao
Hetze - furious punk violence, Belgium
Lucta - occult punk, Italy
Mizerija - anarcho post punk, Croatia
Morus - hardcore punk, Polska
Pisse - punk/postpunk/synthpunk, Germany
Punter - hardcore/punk, Australia
Rebelión - hardcore punk, Colombia
Rigorous Institution - apocalyptic punk, USA
Savageheads - hardcore punk, USA
Träume - hardcore/punk, Warsaw
Vole - raw hardcore punk, Prague, CZ
Wretched of the Earth - hardcore/d-beat, USA
Ÿperitiff - weird punk, Ostrava, CZ
Zanjeer - raw hardcore punk, Germany

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First Bands

  Bombardement - d-beat machine from Bordeaux!   Gewaltbereit - fucking ditry, angry, intense hardcore pu...